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About us | Techmania Science Center

About us

Who we are?
The sites SCICOM were established and are administrated by Techmania Science Center o.p.s. The aim of Techmania is to develop the interest in science and research by wide public, scholars and students. There are various ways how Techmania try to reach these aims.
Firstly, Techmania presents many interactive exhibitions focused on science and research.
Secondly, Techmania is involved in international projects and groups which popularise the science and collaborate on educational programmes.
Last but not least, Techmania brings information about scientific life worldwide, highlighting the regional and national successes. SCICOM sites deal with this and they aspire to become an informative press agency regarding science and research in Pilsner region and in the Czech Republic.
It is in our own interest to inform the public about scientific life in Pilsner region and in the Czech Republic. Through these sites, we want to draw attention to various aspects of science. Published information involves academic centres, commercial firms as well as national research centres with regard to Pilsner region.
The posted articles are created by our editorial staff or are adapted. They are always well labelled for the readers.
In the beginning we want to concentrate to the research and development. We want to introduce regional experts dealing with science in both academic and commercial subjects. The sites also inform about the legal changes regarding the research.

One comment

  1. spolupráce says:

    Dobrý den,
    provozuji malou “Hernu technických souvislostí” v malé obci Valchov , 4 km od Boskovic
    Rád bych s Vámi spolupracoval. Mám některé původní demonstrace.
    Zabývám se i fyzikální chemií (nanostruktury)

    Jedná se o prezentaci vědy zábavnou formou s vysvětlením základních principů.

    Dále bych se chtěl zapojit do projektů “vzdělávacích aktivit a mezinárodních uskupeních”, které vědu popularizují.

    prof.Ing.Pavel Ošmera, CSc.
    VUT FSI Brno, ústav automatizace a informatiky
    mobil 737183908

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